About 7 months ago I posted this article Manage the Boys’ Room – Part 1.
That method worked great for us for a long time… until the boys figured out they could climb up in the closet and get down whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.
But, of course, they couldn’t put it away.
Their room was getting SO messy the thought of cleaning it seemed overwhelming to me. I can’t even imagine what it felt like to them.
It was time to change things.
I read in a book (I think it was called Houseworks, but I’m not sure, and I wish I could remember the author) that to keep things tidy your belongings should be easier to put away than to get out.
This has worked pretty well for my things, so we decided to try it.
For the boys’ bedroom this translated to a toy box. I was tired of the complaining when they had to clean up all those little toys. It is so much easier for them to throw all the toys with a million pieces into the toy box than to try to dig all those little things out. (evil mom laugh) 🙂
Personally, I do not like the toy box. I don’t like how messy it is inside, or that toys get damaged or broken. And the risk of someone’s fingers getting smashed in the lid makes me shudder.
But this fits the easier-to-put-away-than-to-get-out idea. And it’s been working better.
All the boys have to do to pick up their toys is throw them into their box. That’s it. No organizing, no sorting, no waiting for Mom to put the box up in the closet. And when the lid is closed, I can’t see the mess.
We found a toy box on craigslist that already had some use. That way I wouldn’t have to get upset when the boys dented it, or drew on it, or whatever else they came up with. (Everyone chooses their battles, and I don’t want to fight my boys to keep a brand new toy box in pristine condition. It’s hard enough getting them to put their toys in it.)
As you can see, this method isn’t perfect.
We still try to have a monthly clean up with Mom, because lots of things end up in the toy box that shouldn’t be there. Books, pajamas, t-shirts, garbage, socks, shoes, a tie… I’m pretty sure the toys are in there somewhere.
A part of me feels like this has been a step down from the last method. And in terms of organization it is. But what I have done is turned more responsibility over to the boys.
They have more freedom over what toys they play with. They also feel more ‘free’ to put them away because they can. They couldn’t put the boxes and containers back up in the closet before.
They’ve also learned to be more careful with their favorite toys. All I had to do was sincerely ask, “Oh, do you think it got broken when you threw it in the toy box?” when they brought me a broken toy. Watching them clean now is pretty funny. Some toys are launched from clear across the room into the toy box, while others are carried over and carefully placed inside.
Surviving parenthood is not just about choosing your battles, but in what order you fight them.
Sometimes a retreat is necessary to survive and win the long game.
I haven’t completely given up the organization battle. We’re just changing the order.
Little do the boys know, I’ll be back. Hopefully wiser and more prepared. 🙂
It’s the journey that I’m enjoying with your blogs. Yes, you learn a lot, but the process is just so dang fun! Keep up the great work. You are an exceptional woman, and I am pleased and honored to be your friend. 🙂