My Baby #6 is due in three weeks. Because I’ve had the opportunity to be pregnant multiple times I’ve been able to see some patterns in phases that I go through each time. Right now, with only a few weeks left I am in the I-just-want-to-have-this-baby-now phase, which also coincides with the often-waxing-philosophical phase. So, […]
Toddler Treasures – Story Time
See that picture up there? That is CUTENESS! As my kids get older and more independent, they don’t want me or need me so much. Gone are the days when they show me every drawing masterpiece and every Lego house they make. So, whenever my kids do not feel well I try to take advantage of the fact that […]
Potty Training Tips
Nothing is as simple as it seems. My ‘Lazy Potty Training’ is no exception. It is pretty awesome, 😉 but no method is fool proof. Here are some general tips on potty training I have learned that ease the stress of this sometimes messy task. 1. Make it fun. Toddlers tend to adopt their parents’ attitudes about things. If I show my […]